Thursday, April 15, 2010

Busy busy

So I haven't written since that first blog because it's just so busy being a wife and mama! I feel like the days aren't long enough and the worst part about it is that I put my Bible reading and couples Bible time with Drew on the back burner so that I can clean the house, play with the kids, read a few minutes of an easily enjoyed and mindless book, etc. We have such a routine that it should be easy to fit in our Christian study time together at night...Drew gets home, we eat dinner, we either take a walk or run errands that need to be done, we go to church Tuesday, Wednesday, and Sunday nights, and then we give the kids a bath, put them to bed, watch one of our shows together, and read the Bible. Somehow though, since the Bible time goes last in our day I am so exhausted that sometimes I just fall asleep during either the reading of the passage we are studying or our discussion time together.

So the solution is obviously to have Bible time earlier than we usually do...simple, right? Why is it so easy to say that we put God first and foremost in our lives but so much harder to actually put that into play? I love God and enjoy having such a personal relationship with Christ but I know that it hurts Him that He is the last thing on my agenda for the day and that most times I don't even stay awake enough to enjoy or get anything out of my time with Him.

SO I had an epiphany when I was thinking about this problem in my life...JUST DO IT! I need to suck it up, put everything else aside and spend time with my Father in prayer, study, and peacefulness. If this means getting up extra early to have my alone Bible time with Him then I need to JUST DO IT. If it means putting the kids to bed and spending an hour with Drew ignoring the housework, shows we want to watch, etc and studying together how to be the Christian family that God would have us to be then I need to JUST DO IT. I don't want to disappoint my Creator and I do so on a regular basis but I don't want to purposefully do so by putting my time with Him last on my checklist for the day. I want to put Him first and foremost just like I say that I put Him first and foremost in my life.

So I need to just suck it up and put Christ first...then that will show my children how to do the same thing. Leading by example is certainly the way to teach anything, especially a love for Jesus Christ! And Drew is such a wonderful leader in the home and he wants more Bible time anyhow so why let anything hold be back from that? I'm not letting my worldly duties and distractions keep me from my time with Him anymore...I'm going to JUST DO IT! :-)